Cultured Solutions CocoCal 1 Gal (3.8L)
Cultured Solutions CocoCal 1 Gal (3.8L)
CULTURED SOLUTIONS COCO CAL is a concentrated blend of readily available Calcium and Magnesium. It is formulated to assist fast-growing plants by preventing secondary nutrient deficiencies. COCO CAL helps optimize plant nutrition and enhances plant growth and development. It is designed for rapidly growing plants in all growth and bloom phases
- Readily available calcium and magnesium
- Prevents secondary deficiencies
- Supplements vital plant nutrition
Seedlings/Cuttings: 0.5-1mL per gallon, adjust solution to a 5.8 pH.
General: 2-5mL per gallon, adjust solution to a 5.8 pH.
Rockwool/Coco/Soilless: Refer to Cultured Solutions Drain to Waste Feeding Schedule.
RDWC/DWC/NFT/Aero: Refer to Cultured Solutions Recirculating Hydro Feeding Schedule.
For recommendations not covered in the Cultured Solutions Feeding Schedule, contact support at
– Recommended starting EC for source water should be 0-20ppm.– Shake Well Before Use.
– Do not pour unused fertilizer back into the bottle.
– Maintain clean measuring devices.
– Store in a cool, dark area.